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Indian Institute of Mass Communication Admission for PG Diploma Courses 2014-2015

PG Diploma Courses 2014-2015
Indian Institute of Mass Communication
JNU New Campus, New Delhi

Post Graduate Diploma Courses 2014-2015
Indian Institute of Mass Communication
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, JNU New Campus, New Delhi - 110 067.

Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC), an Internationally-known centre for training and research in Mass Communication, an autonomous body under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Govt of India, invites applications for the following courses.

  • Post-graduate Diploma Course in Journalism (English), New Delhi, Dhenkanal (Odisha), Aizawl (Mizoram), Amravati (Maharashtra), Jammu (J&K) and Kottayam (Kerala)
  • Post-graduate Diploma Course in Journalism (Hindi), New Delhi
  • Post-graduate Diploma Course in Radio & Television Journalism, New Delhi
  • Post-graduate Diploma Course in Advertising and Public Relations, New Delhi
  • Post-graduate Diploma Course in Journalism (Odia) Dhenkanal (Odisha)

  • Post-graduate Diploma programmes :
    ( Comprising four programmes in Journalism and one in Advertising and Public Relations.)
    Medium of Instruction & Examination
    1. Post-graduate Diploma Course in Journalism English
    2. Post-graduate Diploma Course in Journalism Hindi
    3. Post-graduate Diploma Course in Radio & TV Journalism English & Hindi
    4. Post-graduate Diploma Course in Advertising and Public Relations English & Hindi
    5. Post-graduate Diploma Course in Journalism Odia
  • Diploma Course in Urdu Journalism :
    The duration of course is five months from December to April every year. A separate Prospectus would be issued for this Course.
  • Programmes for officers of the Indian Information Service :
    • Orientation Course in Communication for officers of the Indian Information Service Group 'A'.
    • Orientation Course for officers of the Indian Information Service Group ‘B’.
    • In-service training of IIS officers.
  • Programme for candidates from developing countries :
    Diploma Course in Development Journalism (four months’ duration).
    This Diploma Course is highly sought after by middle level working journalists in African, Asian, Latin America and East European countries. The average intake of participants is 25 per batch. The Institute organises two such courses each year. So far, 1,425 journalists from 123 countries have benefited from this training programme. A separate Prospectus would be issued for this Course.
  • Short courses for media persons and others belonging to government and non-government sectors :
    These comprise :
    • Media orientation courses for officers of the Armed Forces and other Central and State Organisations such as the Police and paramilitary forces.
    • Courses for media officers of government departments and PSUs.

  • 1st Semester - August to December
  • 2nd Semester - January to May

Nationality :
Only Indian nationals are eligible for the PG Diploma Courses. In addition, five seats are available in each course for NRIs/NRI-sponsored candidates. (NRIs/NRI sponsored candidates have to fill up a separate application form). The selection for these seats will be based on qualification in a Written Entrance Examination, followed by Group Discussion / Interview, or both, for the candidates who qualify in the Written Examination. The applicants for NRI / NRI-sponsored seats are not required to appear for a written examination. However, they will be required to appear for Group Discussion / Interview, or both.

Essential :
Bachelor’s degree in any discipline. Those who have appeared / are appearing for a degree examination are also eligible to apply. If selected, their admission will be subject to their producing at least a provisional certificate in original from their college / university before 31 August 2014, failing which the provisional admission will stand cancelled.

  • For general category candidates : 1.8.1989 or later.
  • For SC/ST/Physically Handicapped candidates : 1.8.1984 or later.
  • For OBCs : 1.8.1986 or later.

Course New Delhi Dhenkanal Amravati Aizawl Jammu Kottayam
Journalism (Hindi) 62 -- -- -- -- --
Journalism (English) 62 62 15 15 15 15
Radio & TV Journalism 46 -- -- -- -- --
Advertising & PR 70 -- -- -- -- --
Journalism (Odia) -- 23 -- -- -- --

Reservation of Seats : As per Government of India orders for SC/ST/PH/ OBC candidates.


It is important for the candidates for the P.G. Diploma in Journalism (English) to indicate their preference for the New Delhi, Dhenkanal (Odisha), Aizawl (Mizoram), Amaravati (Maharastra), Jammu (J&K) or Kottayam (Kerala) Centres clearly in the boxes given for this purpose. In case no preference is indicated by the candidate, the Institute will allocate the candidate to any of the Centres at its own discretion. No representation with regard to change of Centres will be entertained once the selection is finalised.

The Institute will not be responsible for postal delays and / or loss in transit. Any dispute in regard to any matter shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Delhi Courts only.

Course Tution Fee Tution for NRI Category
Journalism (Hindi); Journalism (English) Rs. 55,000/- US $ 8,000
Radio & Television Journalism Rs. 1,00,000/- US $ 12,000
Advertising and PR Rs. 77,000/- US $ 12,000
Journalism (Odia) Rs. 30,000/- --

NRI Category candidates must also send a DD in favour of IIMC, New Delhi of US$ 50 as Group Discussion and Interview fee along with the application form.

Students will have to pay their fees in two instalments : the first instalment shall be payable in July 2014, on a date to be specified in due course. After payment of the 1st instalment of fees, in case a candidate fails to join classes by 10.8.2014 without any intimation to the Institute, his / her admission is liable to be cancelled forthwith and the seat thus vacated shall be offered to the next candidate in the merit list & the fees paid will stand forfeited.

The second instalment of tuition fees is to be paid by 15 December 2014.

Late fee will be charged with respect to payment of the second instalment of fees @ Rs. 20 per day after 15 December 2014. The names of the defaulters will be struck off the rolls on 31st December 2014 for failing to remit the fee along with late fee. Re-admission fee of Rs. 500 will be charged on re-admission before15 January 2015. The right of re-admission is reserved with the Institute. The paid-up instalment(s) of fees are not refunded if a student discontinues studies.

  • The selection for admission to all courses is based on a written examination followed by a personal interview / group discussion. Separate entrance examinations will be held for Journalism courses in English, Hindi & Odia, Radio & TV Journalism and Advertising & Public Relations.
  • The proportionate weightage between the written entrance examination and the personal interview / group discussion is 85:15.
  • There is no standardised pattern for the written examination. However, candidates will be judged on the following parameters :
    • For Journalism Courses :
      • General Awareness, including understanding of social dynamics; interest in social history; awareness of public debates on matters of polity and economy; awareness about international developments influencing power equations in the world and their impact on India.
      • Aptitude & mental make-up
      • Language capability
      • Analytical & comprehension skills
    • For Advertising & Public Relations:
      • General awareness
      • Aptitude & mental make-up
      • Language capability
      • Analytical & Comprehension skills
      • Brand awareness & recall
      • Social Consciousness
      • Lateral thinking capabilities
  • The written entrance examination will be held on an all-India basis at New Delhi, Aizawl (Mizoram), Bhubaneswar (Odisha), Bangalore (Karnataka), Bhopal (MP), Chennai (TN), Guwahati (Assam), Jammu (J&K), Kolkata (W.B.), Kochi (Kerala), Lucknow (U.P.), Mumbai, Nagpur (Maharashtra), Patna (Bihar) and Srinagar (J&K).
  • Although a preference for examination centre is obtained from the candidate, the Institute reserves the right to call any applicant for the written entrance examination at any centre at his / her own expense.
  • A centre for written entrance examination, once allotted, will not be changed under any circumstances.
  • All the candidates who qualify in the written entrance examination will be called for an interview / group discussion in the last week of June / first week of July, 2014 in New Delhi at their own expense. For the Odia Journalism course, the interview / group discussion will be held at Dhenkanal (Odisha).
  • Students coming for interview / group discussion are encouraged to bring their portfolios / work done in the past, although this is not mandatory.
  • A list of candidates to be provisionally admitted to each course will be prepared on the basis of the combined marks obtained by candidates in the written examination and interview/group discussion.

Sale of application forms begins 10th March, 2014
Sale of application forms closes 5th May 2014
Last date of receipt of filled-in Application Forms 5th May 2014
Entrance Examination for all Course except Odia Journalism 31st May, 2014
Entrance Examination for Odia Journalism 1st June, 2014
Announcement of Entrance
Examination results 2nd / 3rd week of June 2014
Interview dates Last week of June / 1st week of July 2014
Announcement of final selection 2nd / 3rd week of July 2014
Last date to deposit first instalment of fee 3rd week of July, 2014
*Last date to submit Graduation Marksheet/Degree, failing which the Provisional Admission will be cancelled August 31st, 2014
Academic Session begins Last week of July or 1st week of August, 2014

*Applicable to those appearing in the final year graduation examination, but results not declared.

Important : The Institute will sell and receive forms on the notified dates. In the eventuality of these dates being declared public holidays, the next working day will be the last day.

Entrance Examination Date & Time 31st May 2014

Name of Course Time
Journalism (Hindi/English) 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.
Radio & TV Journalism 12:00 Noon to 2:00 P.M.
Advertising and Public Relations 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.

1st June 2014

Name of Course Time
Odia Journalism 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.


  • Entrance Examination Centres :
    • i) New Delhi, ii) Lucknow (UP), iii) Patna (Bihar), iv) Kolkata (West Bengal),
      v) Guwahati (Assam), vi) Bhubaneswar (Odisha), vii) Bangalore (Karnataka),
      viii) Mumbai (Maharashtra), ix) Nagpur (Maharashtra), x) Aizawl (Mizoram),
      xi) Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), xii) Chennai (Tamilnadu), xiii) Jammu (J&K),
      xiv) Srinagar (J&K) and xv) Kochi (Kerala).
  • IIMC Centres :
    • i) Dhenkanal (Odisha), ii) Aizawl (Mizoram), iii) Amravati (Maharashtra),
      iv) Jammu (J&K) and v) Kottayam (Kerala)

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